A giant map, prayer weaving and candles in a crypt as the diocese marks Thy Kingdom Come

A carpet-like map of the world, prayer weaving, and candles in the crypt were amongst the prayer stations at Ripon Cathedral when the diocese marked this year's Thy Kingdom Come event.

The 11 day wave of international prayer in the run up to Pentecost has seen enormous growth, since it was launched by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York three years ago.

And the choir section of the cathedral was full with people from across our region for a brief, dedicated service with an address by Bishop of Leeds, the Rt Revd Nick Baines.

Drawing on the significance of the ancient crypt, where St Wilfrid founded the cathedral in 672, Bishop Nick said: "Our roots go very deep.

"Prayer and worship have taken place here for 1,500 years, as Ripon and the world have changed.

"Christians have carried on praying through dark times and the light may have flickered, but they have carried on trying to shine a light in a sometimes very dark world."

Bishop Nick said how the disciples were well used to prayer before they asked Jesus "teach us how to pray" and were given the Lord's Prayer in answer.

He stressed the power of the line "Thy Kingdom Come," explaining this was an urgent and direct call for our world to be changed by God's word.

Before the service, Dean of Ripon Cathedral, the Very Revd John Dobson urged people to enjoy "the freedom to perambulate" and visit the ten prayers stations around the cathedral.

Set up by the area deaneries, they included a Lollipop Prayer station, where people drew characters and names on wooden spill, before planting them in a sand-filled star.

Ripley's prayers station, staffed by All Saints' church warden Karen Evans and Ann Lilley (pictured), was a weaving loom where people could pray and add to a tapestry of "And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."

Revd Claire Renshaw, priest in charge at Walkingham Hill, joined her daughter Sophie in a contemplatory colouring session run by Juliet Balme, of Ripon Cathedral (pictured).

Outside, cathedral curate Caitlin Carmichael-Davis (pictured) led a Prayer Safari with pauses to reflect on, and pray for the wonders of the natural world, while in the darkness of the crypt, candles were given out that were later used in a final procession to the west door.

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