A warm welcome for the Archbishop of York at St Agnes\' Church in Leeds

The Archbishop of York, the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Dr John Sentamu was welcomed by the church communities of Burmantofts and Harehills on Sunday 16th September as he attended an 11am eucharist at St Agnes’ Church, Burmantofts.

The Archbishop preached and presided at a morning service in which people of all ages particpated. Williams aged thirteen lead the singing of the Peruvian Gloria and fourteen year old Oke read the Epistle with confidence. The Archbishop then presented a sermon about the words people use in conversation and how what they say can impact peoples daily lives and the lives of others. 

"The Archbishop and his Chaplain, Rev Simon Bray, then joined the congregation for lunch after the service, which topped off a very memorable day for those in attendance," said Revd Amos Kasibante, vicar at the benefice of Burmantofts and Harehills. 

"Many of the church congregation had only ever heard about Dr John Sentamu or seen him in pictures, therefore, to meet him in person and have him lead a service and preach was a real blessing."

Prior to the morning service, the Archbishop tweeted, "May the Holy Spirit be with us as we come together in praise and worship. Every Blessing."



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