A \' Wild City Retreat\' in Leeds

Leeds Wild City Retreat with artist Shaeron Caton-Rose
Sunday 29 October, 2-4pm

at Left Bank, Cardigan Road, LS6 1LJ

Leeds Church Institute's Wild City Retreats provide an opportunity to 're-member' through reflection and creativity; to think about our lives in relation to nature in our city.

The next Wild City Retreat will be held at a time of year rich in festivals and celebrations.

Artist Shaeron Caton-Rose, who will be leading the session, says, "We will be considering the themes and rhythms of this season and taking an opportunity to ‘take stock’ of our lives in relation to our natural world, our city life and the wider world, with all its political and social challenges, through a mixture of ‘paying attention’ and creative practice.

"All Hallows, Halloween, Samhain, Diwali and Bonfire Night all come in a short cluster of days around October and November. Obviously, this is no happenstance. Alongside these we have Remembrance Day when we recall the tragedy of war and the courage of many.

"There is a two-sided element to most of these events - the call for light in darkness, for the celebration of lives and the fear of death, the futility of violence and the desire for peace, the end of harvest and the beginning of the ‘darker half’ of the year."

In order to cover costs tickets are £5 for non members (members can attend for free)

To book email events@leedschurchinstitute.org or phone 0113 391 7928




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