A younger crowd start training for ordination

In the Diocese, a younger crowd of eleven new people have started training for ordination. 

The Church of England has been actively trying to recruit younger people to explore ordination. As a result, the eleven new people commencing training this year has an average age of just over 33 years, which is one of the youngest groups of people to have entered ordination training for a very long time.

Those beginning training are following one of three pathways: 

  • a full time residential course in college. 
  • full time training with half the time spent in a parish in the diocese.  
  • part time training whilst continuing to work. 

The range of different training pathways makes it possible for people from a wide range of backgrounds to train for ordination and helps training to work around family commitments and younger people. 

Three of the new ordinands (pictured left) are undertaking the part time pathway and studying in the grounds of the Community of the Resurrection, which is where much of the learning and all of the residential weekends take place. The three women are pictured attending their first residential weekend that took place earlier in September. 

Please pray for all the Ordinands, both those continuing training and those entering training. Please find a list of their names below.

Commencing 2018
Joshua Peckett (to Westcott House, Cambridge)
Lawrence Basham (St Hild full time non-residential pathway)
Sam Healey (to Ridley Hall, Cambridge)
Emma Allison (to Cranmer Hall, Durham)
Millie Cork (to Trinity College, Bristol)
Jo Glenwright (St Hild part-time pathway)
Caroline Brown (St Hild full time non-residential pathway)
Lottie Jones  (to Ridley Hall Cambridge)
Leah Thompson (to Trinity College, Bristol
Jenny Bradley (St Hild part time pathway)
Michelle Lepine (St Hild part time pathway)

Continuing this year
Anthony Bennett
Rachel Ford
Michael Green
Sally Pickering
June Cockburn
Chris Balding
Kathryn Goldsmith
Dan Miles
Debbie Nouwen
Jean-Louis Pecher
Rob Harper

Paul Sunderland
Sally Osborn
Che Seabourne
Will Talbot
Judith Clark
Sarah Harrison
Sian Lawton
Laura Martin
Jonathan Brennan

For a conversation about whether God is calling you to ordained ministry please contact the vocations team on 0113 353 0260 or email vocations@leeds.anglican.org.

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