Abbey Grange focuses on Children in Need

Pupils at Abbey Grange School, which last year won a national award for being one of the highest fundraising schools in the country, celebrated Children in Need Day in great style again last week and raised a remarkable £1,400.

It's part of a developing culture where older students are inspiring younger ones to be active philanthropists.

Chaplain Kay Brown says, "Along with a non-uniform day, students baked and raffled prizes whilst others posed for the photo booth or encouraged donations of loose change to cover Pudsey!

"Pudsey Ears and badges were worn as students guessed how many smarties on the bear shaped cake or who would win the duck race. These activities alone raised over £350 and the total was over £1400, which is a fantastic achievement.

"Children in Need became a regular part of the calendar at Abbey Grange in 2011, when a small group of Year 7 students had a bunsale and raised just over £50. Since then their plans have become more and more ambitious, with last year’s total of £1510 receiving a national award for being one of the highest fundraising schools in the country. These students are now in Year 12 and are training up younger students to take over but are already discussing what they will do for their final Children In Need at Abbey Grange.

"It's great to see young people empowered to organise their own events and to enthuse others to get involved. This sums up our mission of  working together to educate, nurture and empower our students to be the young leaders of today.

"The original group have done a fantastic job in this - one year 7 student was so inspired by them she organised a sponsored silence and raised £40 on her own.  

"Well done to everyone who got involved and particularly our great Children in Need team!”

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