Abseiling challenge to heat Halifax church

There are easier challenges to be had as a newly licensed curate than throwing yourself down your church tower, but that is exactly what new curate, the Revd Linda Maslen has chosen to do…..and she’s roped in her training incumbent, the Vicar of Halifax, the Revd Hilary Barber too.

Linda and Hilary, pictured left at Linda's instalment, will take on the tower of St Mark’s, Siddal to raise funds to heat the church and make it more welcoming for the villagers – many of whom say they are Christians on the census forms – but are not part of the church community.

They need to raise £50,000 to heat the church – and they plan on throwing themselves down the clock tower as part of the church’s first Christmas fayre on Saturday November 18 from 12-4pm – and both Linda and Hilary hope to raise £10,000 towards the heating bill and are looking for sponsors.

You can sponsor them here… https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/linda-maslen

Linda explains: “Being new to St Mark’s I discovered we have a really beautiful church – and while there is an amazing village type community, they are not part of our church family.

“St Mark’s is a lovely light airy building – but it is cold. I want to make it into a warm and welcoming centre for all the community – and to do that – we desperately need to heat it,” she added.

The PCC had already researched the heating that would be best for the church at a cost of £50k. Some grant funding is being investigated but Linda decided she wanted to kickstart the fundraising by doing an abseil down the church tower.

Anyone who wants to join her – and the fundraising effort – is very welcome. Contact Linda through the facebook page for St Marks. https://www.facebook.com/stmarkssiddal/

Said Linda: “ It seemed totally crazy and I am terrified of heights but sometimes we have to confront our fears in order to move things forward and I am delighted that the Rev'd Canon Hilary Barber my training incumbent and Vicar of Siddal is going to join me!” 

The abseil is part of the church’s Christmas Fayre activities, which will also include a pop up nativity where children can come and dress up as their favourite nativity character and have a photo taken.

Santa will be paying a visit and there will be food, arts and crafts for sale too.  Sat 18th November 12- 4pm St Mark's Siddal. ALL WELCOME 

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