Accessibility, Inclusion, and Diversity photo competition

A photo competition to celebrate accessibility, inclusion, and diversity across the church is being launched in the diocese by the Disability and Communications Teams. 

Commencing today (Tuesday, November 17), the competition will run for eleven days with the deadline for entries being Friday, November 27.

The competition is open to everyone and the best picture will star on our website, social media and online parish newsletter.

Images can be posted either on our Facebook Camera Club or by emailing the diocesan communications team. 

"We want to see your best pictures celebrating all of God’s people, no matter their abilities," said Katherine-Alice Grasham, Disability Officer for the Diocese of Leeds.

"As Christians, we believe in the equality of all people (Galatians 3:28), that we are all made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), and that the Holy Spirit imparts gifts to all (1 Corinthians 12) and as such, all should be given the opportunity to be included, belong and participate in the life of the church whatever their ability."

In support of the competition the Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds, said, “This is a great and fun way for us to enjoy images of all God’s people from across the diocese at the end of an exceptional year.”

Please make sure you have the permission of anyone who appears in your photos (or their parents/guardians if appropriate) before you share them with us.

Send in your pictures, either by joining the Leeds CofE Camera Club closed Facebook group Facebook. The address is: Leeds CofE Camera Club. If you are a new member, please wait for your joining request to be accepted.

Alternatively you can email your images in. Please use the following address and state your name and where the image was taken - 


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