All creatures great and small gather on Zoom

A church pet service in Richmond, celebrating people’s animal companions and the gift of Gods creation, took place digitally.

Each year St Marys Church holds their Fun-Key Church Pet Service and despite the continuing lockdown restrictions 2020 was going to be no exception.

Stars of the show included a bishop’s cat called Hild of Whitby, Tilly the Durham Cathedral dog, two labradoodle puppies, several cats and fish, a sizeable yellow duck and a six day old galloping foal called Pepper.

The service brought together many families and friends from as far afield as Gourock in Scotland to Newbury in Berkshire.  

Gillian Lunn, Reader at St Mary's and leader of Fun-Key Church, said, “The opportunity to have fun, worship, and to pray together with our animal friends, was an unforgettable experience.”

"We hold our pet service each year to thank God for the love we share with our animals and for the wonders of his creation. It is a wonderful way of gathering people together to share fellowship and to ask for God's blessing on all he has made."

Like many churches across our diocese, St Mary’s in Richmond has quickly adapted to running it's various daily services on online platforms like Zoom. Follow this link to see all the churches offering regular digital services across our diocese.

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