All is safely gathered in - Ripon Cathedral hosts Yorkshire farmers harvest service

As the season of Creationtide draws to a close, Ripon Cathedral and the Yorkshire Agricultural Society came together last Sunday to give thanks to God for the harvest – now safely gathered in, but after a challenging and difficult year for farming.

The service celebrating those who work in the countryside, agriculture and conservation was attended by civic dignitaries form across the region.

The Dean of Ripon, the Very Rev John Dobson said: “Following a year of extreme weather conditions when the challenges faced by farmers have been particularly intense, we are reminded that we cannot take the basic provision of our food for granted.

“A traditional harvest thanksgiving acknowledging God as the provider of all good things and celebrating the efforts of those who work hard all year round to meet our daily needs, is a perfect opportunity for the cathedral to host the Yorkshire Agricultural Society.

“I am delighted that Tom Ramsden, the president of this wonderful organisation has chosen Ripon Cathedral as the place for the society to celebrate the harvest this year.”

During the service the children brought harvest offerings to the altar together with gifts and symbols illustrating the many aspects of agricultural life. All food donated is being sent to the Ripon Salvation Army Food Bank.

President of the YAS Tom Ramsden said: “The Harvest Thanksgiving Service is a special moment for all farmers to reflect on the past year and the harvest just gathered and to give thanks for the contribution they can make to the food they produce and the countryside they look after. 

“Farmers are boundless optimists especially when faced with the uncertainties of changing politics and climate. They are lucky to love what they do and to feel deeply the contribution they can make to the wellbeing of communities and country.”

The preacher on Sunday was Dom Henry Wansbrough, from Ampleforth Abbey. A Benedictine monk, Dom Wansbrough is a renowned biblical scholar, prolific author and General Editor of the New Jerusalem Bible.


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