Amazing Rawdon reunion at Heritage Open Day

Two family members living 550 miles apart have been unexpectedly reunited at St Peter’s Church Rawdon, thanks to a Heritage Open Day.

Andrew McMillan of Newton Abbott in Devon (pictured left) had travelled to Rawdon as part of a 70th birthday celebration visiting some places of significance in his earlier life. In 1948 his late sister, Carol, had been married at St. Peter’s Rawdon to a man called Philip now living in Argyll.   

Meanwhile, Vicar of Rawdon, the Revd Mark Smith was chatting to another visitor and takes up the story.

“Another man had wandered into church and was standing in the centre aisle near the front of church. I struck up a conversation with him. He explained that he no longer lived in the area and had come down from near Argyle in Scotland.

“With some emotion showing in his eyes he explained today would have been his 48th wedding anniversary and that 48 years ago he had stood in this very spot and made his marriage vows to his late wife. His name was Philip Thresh We chatted for a while, particularly about what might await us us after death.

“In the middle of this conversation Andrew and his group of friends came into the church. There was a spark of recognition and a sudden buzz. The two men looked at each other. Yes 48 years ago Philip had stood in this Church and married Andrew’s sister Carol!”

The picture is of Andrew and Philip after their happy and unexpected re-union  (taken during the heritage open day).

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