An easy guide to Facebook Live

An easy ten step guide has been produced by the Diocese of Leeds to help churches make the most of live streaming.

In the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19), church communities across the country have adapted to the suspension of public worship by becoming digital; streaming live services, home groups, communion and times of prayer on platforms such as Facebook and Youtube.

For churches still looking to have a go at live streaming, a Facebook Live Tutorial video has been produced to help. It offers ten simple steps, demonstarting how Facebook Live works when using a smart phone.


Live streamed services taking place across our diocese can be found here. If you are using live streaming for the first time please let us know by sending an email to and we can add your church to the table.

If you also have any further questions or still need help when it comes to live streaming, please contact the Diocese of Leeds Communications Team on the email address above.


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