Archbishop asks Sri Lanka to pray for Bishop of Colombo decision

Archbishop Justin and Caroline Welby during a condolence visit to Sri Lanka in August 2019 following the Easter Sunday bombings earlier that year.The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is consulting widely on the most suitable person to be the new Bishop of Colombo.

The Archbishop of Canterbury (pictured with Caroline Welby during a condolence visit to Sri Lanka in August 2019 following the Easter Sunday bombings) has asked Anglicans in Sri Lanka to pray as he continues to consult widely on the most suitable person to be the new Bishop.

The Sri Lankan dioceses of Colombo and Kuranegala, which together form the Church of Ceylon (the Anglican Church in Sri Lanka), are one of the overseas links that our diocese has with other countries. Earlier this year, a group from Leeds travelled to Sri Lanka to connect with the church there.

Archbishop Justin Welby has started a consultation process after the inconclusive election of the new Bishop of the Diocese of Colombo on Saturday 15 August 2020. The Diocesan Council referred the matter of the appointment to the Archbishop of Canterbury, who is Metropolitan of the Church of Ceylon.

The Archbishop will be meeting on Monday (14th September) with the Consultative Body, the group of clergy and lay members of the Diocese who are nominated as per the Diocesan and Church of Ceylon’s constitutions.

As well as taking the views of the Consultative Body, the Archbishop will also be listening to as many of the key stakeholders in the Diocese of Colombo and the Church of Ceylon as possible, including members of the Diocese of Colombo’s Standing Committee.

Archbishop Justin Welby said: “The Church of Ceylon is a courageous, resilient and hope-filled Church that lives out the good news of Jesus Christ. It is a blessing to Sri Lanka and to the global Anglican Communion. As we discern the new Bishop of Colombo, I ask for the prayers of our Anglican brothers and sisters in Sri Lanka. May the Holy Spirit guide our decision-making, and enable the Diocese of Colombo and the Church of Ceylon to flourish in the years to come.”

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