Archbishop of York addresses Judges and lawyers at Bradford Cathedral Legal Service

THE Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, has preached a special centenary sermon at Bradford Cathedral this weekend as part of the annual Legal Service.

The Archbishop, who is an Advocate of the High Court of Uganda, joined members of the Judiciary, including High Court Judges and Magistrates from across West Yorkshire, for this public service.

He entered the cathedral in a procession which will included members of the choir, clergy, bishops, lawyers, barristers, judges, the High Sheriff, Lord Lieutenant and the Lord Mayor of Bradford.

Very Revd Jerry Lepine, Dean of Bradford said: “The Legal Service is one of the high points of civic life in the Cathedral’s calendar.

"This year is the Cathedral’s Centenary and we are delighted to welcome the Archbishop of York as our preacher.

"This is an inspirational service for the city and the Legal Service showcases the Cathedral at its best as an institution that gathers together people from across the city and the region.”

Dr Sentamu added: “I am delighted to participate in The Legal Service during this Cathedral’s centenary year.

"As a former lawyer who served at the Bar and the Bench, I am committed to upholding the justice and mercy of God in our nation.

"I know that during the past 100 years, the Cathedral has been a deeply loved place of refuge and hope for all in the city."


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