Archbishop of York in Leeds for Thy Kingdom Come under-30s event

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu who began ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ three years ago, is leading an evening of prayer and will be exploring vocations for the under 30s at Holy Trinity, Boar Lane Leeds on Wednesday 16 May from 7 to 9pm. 

Thy Kingdom Come began as a simple invitation to prayer by the Archbishops of York and Canterbury in 2016 and has since blossomed into a global movement, bringing together thousands of Christians across the globe to pray for more people to come to know the love of Jesus Christ during the period from Ascension to Pentecost – which this year is from May 10 until May 20. 

Dr John Sentamu will be at Holy Trinity Boar Lane on Wednesday 16 May to lead a contemporary and informal event, with sung worship and testimony conversations. It forms part of the Thy Kingdom Come call to prayer and action.  

Dr Sentamu said: “Everyone is called by God in Christ to a life of worship and witness. Each of us are invited into the deep promise of Jesus of life in all its fullness. For some this is a call to ordination – could this be you?  Come and discover more”. 

The Rector, Sam Corley said: “On 16th May we are inviting young adults from across Leeds and beyond to come together to hear from the Archbishop about his own experiences of cultivating a relationship with God and of helping others to experience the same for themselves. 

“Throughout the evening we will pause to experiment with different ways of praying and we will also be thinking about how the Spirit of God might be calling each of us to step into new opportunities. 

“So whether you pray every day, or have no idea how to start, come and join us for an evening of prayer and reflection - and be ready for an evening when God might just change your life!"

As well as the event with the Archbishop of York on Wednesday 16 May, the Leeds city centre Anglican churches, St George’s, Riverside and Leeds Minster, are joining together for a week of special Thy Kingdom Come events. These range from traditional mass and benediction, to a prayer walk around the City of Leeds, from youth space to prayer for faith in Leeds Schools, and all are based at   Holy Trinity Boar Lane next to the Trinity Shopping Centre.  

In addition to the many events planned during Thy Kingdom Come, Holy Trinity Boar Lane will be open daily from 8am-5pm as a prayer space throughout Thy Kingdom Come (Mon 14-Sat 19 May) – all are welcome.
For more information about vocations in the Church of England, please visit:


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