Archbishop of York launches Harrogate's first Spring Harvest

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, joined Christians from across the country last week for the first ever Spring Harvest gathering in Harrogate.

The annual four day Christian teaching and worship conference  added Harrogate as a venue to the traditional events held each year at Minehead and Skegness.  Spring Harvest took place at the Harrogate Conference Centre from Tuesday 3 to Saturday 7 April .

The Archbishop preached at the service ‘Only the Brave Determined Discipleship’ on Tuesday evening, (day 1 of the programme).  He said, “Spring Harvest is an excellent opportunity for all churches, big or small, to come and be part of ‘something bigger’, to experience great worship and feel part of the wider family of God.”

Speaking to the gathering in Harrogate International Centre he told them, “Don’t waste time arguing about the things you do not understand in Scripture. Spend time addressing the things you do understand and you know you are not doing.”

Also taking part was the Diocese of Leeds Vocations team with Revd Canon Derek Walmsley 
Diocesan Director of Ordinands & Vocation and Vocations and Ministry team administrator, Diane Komorowski pictured at the resources exhibition held throughout the week

Derek writes: 

“Spring Harvest has always met at holiday camps with chalets so I wondered how it would transfer to Harrogate International Conference Centre. Delegates had to book their own accommodation separately, so although the event was cheap, you had to add the cost of your hotel – unless you live in Harrogate of course! We booked some apartments across the road and it worked well.

"I have been a speaker at Spring Harvest before and was asked to lead a seminar on Vocations. The Leeds Vocations team also booked an exhibition slot to tie in with this. The conference theme was “Only the Brave: Determined Discipleship” and we knew that we could expect to have some great opportunities to speak to people and also ensure the Diocese was represented.

"My colleague Diane Komorowski and I spoke to all sorts of people over the four days and had a really enjoyable time, especially when meeting quite a few clergy and lay people from our own Diocese. The worship and teaching was quite evangelical, which is the Spring Harvest way, and while it might not be everyone’s taste, we thought it was excellent."

The conference made full use of the main conference hall as well as other exhibition halls for the adult, children and youth programmes. Unlike traditional Spring Harvest weeks, the 1500 participants are staying in local hotels, B&Bs or campsites.

It's been announced that Spring Harvest will continue at Harrogate next year during Holy Week. The dates have been announced as from Saturday 13 April to Wednesday 17 April, 2019. (Palm Sunday is Sunday 14 April, 2019).



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