Archbishop to become patron of Leading your Church into Growth

The Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu officially announced today that he is to become Patron of Leading your Church into Growth - a Christian organisation which equips church leaders and churches to grow.

At the event held at Bishopthorpe Palace to mark this new chapter in the organisation, the Archbishop talked about the great work that LyCiG has done over the last 25 years to encourage churches, to inspire individuals both ordained and lay to enable churches make a difference in their local community and further afield.

The Revd Canon Robin Gamble said, “LyCiG is about helping thousands of churches to flourish, but even more important it’s about helping tens of thousands of people find God”.

The Archbishop of York said, “Robin Gamble and the LyCiG team have been incredible servants of the local and national church for many years. In becoming Patron, I wish to lend my prayer and encouragement. LyCiG is the most effective resource to help our parishes: grow in depth of discipleship, reach people of all generations so they come to faith, and make a difference in the wider community – blessing and transforming it.

"As we look to the future, I pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to rest upon our church. For those who have been on LyCiG courses, thank you. For those who are yet to come, be bold and take the plunge!”

The Revd. Matt Woodcock and the Revd. Sharon Kaye presented to the group, with ‘in conversation’ discussions with Archbishop Sentamu, Revd Ashley Evans - Yorkshire Synod Evangelist, and Revd Canon Dr Anthony Rustell - Head of Mission, Discipleship & Ministry at the Diocese of Portsmouth,  with a Q & A session to conclude.

Resources offered by LyCiG are: Start!, Moving On, Leading your Church into Growth Local & Being Witnesses.  Bookings for the 24-27th September 2018 National Conference at the Hayes Centre, Swanwick are available from:

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