Barn doors open for Harvest celebration

It was a harvest service with a difference for the congregation of St Mary’s Church, Hornby in the Yorkshire Dales this year.

Cows and sheep listened on as worshippers of St Mary's Hornby left their pews and gathered in a local barn to give thanks for the farmers, for the farmers who had worked hard in difficult weather conditions, for those who prepare our food and above all to God who provides.

The family service on September 16th took place in a barn on Ainderby Myers farm and was led by rector, the Revd. Chris Lawton, along with reader, Joyce Blundell.

A parish team prepared a buffet lunch for more than seventy people, the ancient barn was decorated, and a portable organ provided the accompaniment to the hymns.

The barn is owned by the Anderson family who were thanked for their generosity and hard work in making the farmyard harvest a very special experience.

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