Baronet and businesswoman amongst new canons at Ripon Cathedral

Six new canons and four honorary canons of Ripon Cathedral have been installed at a joyful choral evensong.

Dean John Dobson installed six new canons including Sir Andrew Lawson-Tancred of Alborough Manor, who  became a capitular canon, sitting on the cathedral’s chapter and former Yorkshire Woman of the Year, Judith Donovan CBE who was made an honorary lay canon.

Bradfordian entrepreneur Ms Donovan was recently named chair of the National Science and Media Museum

advisory board and has served on boards for numerous national organisation and visitor attractions.

Four priests providing outstanding ministry became honorary canons – Revd Dr James Theodosius; Revd David Cleeves; Revd Mark Umpleby and Revd Marion Russell.

The new canons were licensed by the Bishop of Leeds, the Rt Revd Nick Baines.

In addition, two area deans and two assistant area deans were licensed; Revd Martin Fletcher, Revd Anne Russell, Revd Dr James Theodosius and Revd Simon Dobson.

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