BBC film at Ireland Wood on how Leeds is beating childhood obesity

BBC cameras came to St Paul's, Ireland Wood this week to film footage for a feature on how childhood obesity in Leeds is on the decline.

New statistics show that the city is bucking the trend and healthy living projects seem to be paying off.

St Paul's, one of Leeds Areas five Resource Churches, has engaged with the local community to promote better lifestyles and the camera crew filmed at its thriving tots' group, said vicar Revd Mark Harlow.

"They came and interviewed parents and then went with me to Keeper's - a local social enterprise cafe," Mark said.

"We have been working with Keepers, a local councillor and the Ireland Wood Residents Association to runn non-contact "Unorthobox" boxing fitness sessions in the church hall on Wednesday evenings.

"People then get a healthy meal at the cafe afterwards."

Revd Mark featured in a small clip broadcast on the national 6pm news on Wednesday, in which he said Leeds was a city keen on promoting sporting activity by hosting events such as its triathlon.

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