BBC profiles Wakefield Cathedral's community at Christmas

Christmas at Wakefield Cathedral has been highlighted by a festive BBC feature on community life beneath its soaring spire.

A profile piece on one of our diocesan jewels includes interviews with volunteers, visitors, the Dean, the Very Revd Simon Cowling and Neil Holland, the Grade I-listed building's chief operating officer.

Neil told the BBC: "It's an ancient building and things always need doing, in the last six years we've spent £7m on restoration.

"Our staff numbers are quite small by Durham, York or St Paul's standard, we couldn't function without our volunteers in roles like greeters, bell ringers or choir chaperones."

Dean Simon said: "Worship is the core of our mission, it's our purpose."

At least two services are held at the cathedral every day.

Richard Wainwright, a verger at Wakefield for 20 years said:

"It's never boring... always something to do especially when there's a lot of visitors like at this time of year."

BBC Radio Leeds will broadcast carol services from Wakefield Cathedral on Christmas Eve at 6pm and Christmas Day 12pm.

Mr Wainwright that while Christmas was always a busy time, thousands of people are welcomed throughout the year: "Today we have put 700 chairs out. I've seen every kind of event here - fashion shows, murder mysteries, film nights, concerts and pantomimes," he said.

The BBC report can be seen on the broadcaster's website:

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