Bingley church to celebrate 150th birthday with a year of events

Three bishops will be visiting a Bingley parish next year as part of a year of celebrations to mark 150 years of worship.

Celebrations at the Bingley parish of Holy Trinity with St Wilfrid’s begin this December with a Christmas Tree Festival on the weekend of December 16 and 17, one of several family friendly events included in a packed programme of celebrations.

They include a nativity service on Christmas Eve, a Christingle for Candlemas service on Sunday, January 28, a wed-ding dress exhibition on Sunday, February 11, Godparent Sunday and baptism thanksgiving picnic on Sunday, May 6, Bingley’s Got Talent at St Wilfrid’s Hall on Saturday and Sunday, 18 and 19, a scarecrow festival on the weekend of September 15 and 16 and a dog show and pet blessing service on the weekend of October 6 and 7.
(Picture right of Holy Trinity Church, Bingley, cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Stephen Craven)

A new parish was formed out of the ancient parish of All Saints, when the original Holy Trinity Church was consecrated in October 1868. St Wilfrid’s, Gilstead and was consecrated in 1906. Following the demolition of the original Holy Trinity, for safety reasons, in 1974, a new church was built on the same site, and dedicated in 1975.

A special feature of the celebrations is an evening lecture series at which three bishops, Nick Baines, Toby Howarth and Colin Buchanan will be speakers along with Jane Williams, wife of the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, Kelvin Holdsworth, Provost of Glas-gow’s Episcopal Cathedral, together with local clergy speakers, Gordon Dey and Gary and Helen Hodgson. All the lectures will be at Holy Trinity Church.

Jane Williams will speak on Exploring the Church on April 20, Kelvin Holdsworth on Some-where over the Border LGBTQ and the Church on May 1, Colin Buchanan on the Changing face of Liturgy on June 14, Toby Howarth on Ministry in a multi-religious area on July 4, Gor-don Dey, Gary and Helen Hodgson on Urban Ministry on September 19 and Nick Baines on Church in West Yorkshire and Popular Culture on October 11.

Another important event in the anniversary programme is a ten day mission led by members of the Community of the Resurrection from September 7 to 17.

St Wilfrid’s Church will stage a flower festival in June on the weekend of June 22, 23 and 24 organised by Bingley Flower Club and there will be two concerts at St Wilfrid’s during the summer – Summertime, an evening with Sally Leeming (soprano) on Friday, June 15 and Sally and her budding musicians on Sunday, July 1.

Former vicar, John Holford will return to the parish to preach at Holy Trinity on Trinity Sun-day, May 27, Bishop Toby will preside and preach at St Wilfrid’s Patronal Festival on Sunday, October 14 and the programme of events conclude with anniversary Eucharist at Holy Trinity on Sunday, October 21 when Bishop Nick will preside and preach.

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