Bishop Helen-Ann to give online Law Society lecture in June

“Law and Life in the Anglican Communion” is the title of the first Ecclesiastical Law Society lecture to be held online.
This lecture, the second in the ELS Northern Province Lecture series 2020, will be given by the Bishop of Ripon, the Rt Revd Dr Helen-Ann Hartley, and will take place on June 25.
Bishop Helen-Ann’s lecture will take a closer look at the context of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, where she served as Bishop of Waikato before taking up her current role in the Diocese of Leeds.  
About the lecture Bishop Helen-Ann said: “The Anglican Church in New Zealand offers a fascinating case study that enables us to examine the complexities of law and culture, and how ecclesiastical structures try to both reflect and even go beyond the constitutional basis of New Zealand Government whilst navigating a path through multiple jurisdictions.
“I’m delighted that the lecture will be delivered live through the medium of Zoom, and I hope many people are able to join us for this unique event.  
“It’s very good indeed that the Ecclesiastical Law Society focuses an event in the Northern Province, and I’m very pleased indeed that the Diocese of Leeds is hosting it this year.”
You can book for the lecture through the Ecclesiastical Law Society website, with booking closing 48 hours before the event (or when the event is full). 
24 hours before the event, invitations will be sent out by email to those who have booked with instructions explaining how to join the lecture.
You can book a place by clicking here.

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