Bishop Nick beats tonsillitis to face questions at Settle

As part of this year’s ‘Ascension 180’ celebrations, Bishop Nick took part in an unscripted Q&A session at Settle parish church.

During the event, and even though he was suffering from an acute bout of tonsillitis, +Nick spoke about the importance of choosing words carefully to ensure what you say is what you want people to hear and then fielded questions about subjects as diverse as the importance of the BBC; football players salaries and whether we should celebrate what makes people different or what makes them the same.


In response to the final question about us being tolerant Christians, +Nick urged the audience to act humbly and with love, using Mark 10 and the story of Bartimaeus to illustrate that Jesus hears us, even when we think he might not be listening, and explaining the message that followed Jesus’ instruction to bring the blind man to him, ‘Cheer up! On your feet! He is calling you!’ is one of the most joyful and affirming messages Christians can carry with them.


After the Q&A session, whilst enjoying some delicious tea and cakes, Bishop Nick met representatives from Settle District U3A Family History Group, pictured right,who have recently undertaken a project to make the ancient graves at Settle more accessible and interesting, which will be on display in the church throughout the summer.

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