Bishop Nick gets Fun-Key

Bishop Nick revived his guitar playing days last Sunday when he joined the Fun-Key church at Richmond in North Yorkshire.

Borrowing a 12 string guitar from congregation member, Jim,  Bishop Nick taught a worship song based on the theme of the service, Psalm 19.

Fun-Key Church, an informal monthly event on Sunday’s at St Mary’s Richmond attracts people of all ages and numbers around 80 regulars.

One of the founders, Gillian Lunn, said, “It was a fantastic relaxed afternoon with Bishop Nick.

"We looked at Psalm 19 and how amazing and wonderful God is to have created the world; at how we have rules and laws which if we are meant to follow but regardless of whether we do or we don't, whether we get it right or wrong we have a God who loves us and forgives us and we should praise him for it.


“So, an afternoon of singing a song of praise with Bishop Nick, looking at rules by using drain pipes and Jenga, tasting honey (and looking at combs in their hives),  making fig roll bibles, bee pegs, ‘honeycomb confessions’  -  and we made mitres too!”

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