Bishop Nick gives lecture on the ways ecclesiastical law enables the church

The Bishop of Leeds was the speaker at a recent meeting of the Ecclesiastical Law Society held at Church House in Leeds, chaired by Professor Mark Hill, The Chancellor of the Diocese. 

It formed part of a series of Northern Province Lectures, supported by Wrigleys Solicitors, and had the title “The Function of Ecclesiastical Law in Effective Parochial Ministry.”

The Ven Peter Townley, Archdeacon of Pontefract, said, “Bishop Nick gave a very informative and humorous lecture on the many ways in which church law can help and enable the work of the church in our parishes.”

“There was a good question and answer session after the lecture and we all look forward to our next meeting on Wednesday, November 6 when we look forward to hearing a lecture from the Right Worshipful Charles George QC, auditor of the Chancery Court of York.”


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