On the Chris Evans show this morning (Friday), Bishop Nick explained why the Diocese of Leeds is using 'Loving. Living. Learning' to describe what we do and what we want to be.
Here's part of his script. The full version is on on his blog here:
We've just opened a new office in Leeds and everywhere you look you see three words: Loving. Living. Learning. A bit like peace, love and understanding, they sum up how we want to be.
For Christians like me it means loving God, the world and one another.
But, all this loving and living is done with the acknowledgement that we keep making an almighty mess of it and can't seem to help getting it wrong. We are all learning together and from one another. In other words, we need a huge dose of humility in our attempts to love and live.
So, loving, living and learning shape a lens through which we can look at what we do, why we do it, where our priorities are, working out what and who really matters. Not three words that imprison us, but words that open up the possibility of living differently in a complicated and messy world.