Bishop Nick to lecture on the vital role of ecclesiastical law in ministry

How ecclesiastical law aids ministry in our parishes is the subject of an upcoming lecture at Church House, by Bishop of Leeds, the Rt Revd Nick Baines.

Bishop Nick will deliver the next of the Ecclesiastical Law Society’s series of Northern Province Lectures, supported by Wrigleys Solicitors on Tuesday, July 16.

The title of his talk is "The Function of Ecclesiastical Law in Effective Parochial Ministry," and it will be of particular interest to parochial clergy and churchwardens, as well as to lawyers who practise in this area.

It is open to members and non-members and is free of charge, although advance booking through the website (below) is required for catering purposes.

 It will take place at the Diocesan Offices, York Place, Leeds. Refreshments are served from 5pm and the lecture will begin at 5.30pm.

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