Bishop\'s cooking helps feed asylum seekers in Leeds

Guests of a shelter in the Leeds area recently enjoyed the cooking of a Bishop. 
Bishop of Kirkstall Paul Slater cooked the evening meal for the guests of the West Yorkshire Destitute Asylum Network (WYDAN) Night Shelter, who have been accommodated in the Welcome Centre of St John and St Barnabas, Belle Isle, Leeds.
The Shelter can accommodate up to ten men each night who would otherwise be on the streets. 
They receive a meal and a safe place to sleep. 
Bishop Paul said: “I continue to be impressed by all the work WYDAN is doing to help those seeking asylum in Leeds, and it was a privilege to play a very small part in the hospitality offered at St John and St Barnabas.” 
Much of the hospitality is provided by churches across the Leeds episcopal area, with the beds being set up in church or the hall for a week at a time with the equipment being moved on to the host’s venue the following Monday.
After the meal some of the guests sat around talking and, rather than dwelling upon what they don’t have, they cheerfully expressed gratitude for the things which they do have, not least their safety each night.  
Asked about the meal they had just enjoyed the diplomatic reply was that each meal they receive thanks to WYDAN is the best they have ever eaten.

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