Bradford Cathedral puts Christians in business centre-stage

Underlying increased support for lay Christians in the workplace, Bradford Cathedral will be the venue for a landmark conference this October for Christians in business.

“Loving God and neighbour … in business?” takes place on Saturday 13th October from 9.30am -4pm, the third major conference to be organised by the Thinking Faith Network, in partnership with Bradford Cathedral and Gather Leeds.

With the majority of such conferences in London and the south-east, Cal Bailey the Chair of Thinking Faith Network says the aim is to provide support for Christians working in business in the north of England. “Christians in business often feel unsupported at church and isolated at work”, he says. “Work in business is part of God’s purpose for the world he created, loves and is restoring.”

Speakers will include Rebecca and the Revd Jonathan Cain, respectively an organisational development consultant and an engineering director turned priest, John Kirkby  (pictured), founder of Christians Against Poverty, Stewart Davies, a local business leader with more than fifteen years’ MD/CEO experience, and June Dennis, Dean of Staffordshire Business School.

“The conference will be addressing what the commands of Jesus - to love God and neighbour - mean to us in competitive business”, said Cal Bailey. “In the wake of the Carillion collapse – described by MPs as resulting from recklessness, hubris, and greed – our eminent speakers and business people will share their experiences and invite critical participation.”

With time for networking, discussions and stalls offering , ideas and support, the not-for-profit event is aimed at developing a regional network to encourage Christians in business.

Pictured is John Kirkby of Christians Against Poverty who is encouraging anyone in business to attend. “Understanding what it is to lead as a Christians is a responsibility all Christian Leaders should take to heart and seriously. Over 35 years I've learned so much when I've been honest and humble enough to say “I could learn from others”. I'm look forward to learning from everyone who speaks, you never know what nuggets God has for you in your situation, give up a Saturday and come and find out.”

More details and tickets at the Thinking Faith Network website

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