Bradford Cathedral’s shoebox appeal breaks new records

More than one thousand shoeboxes for local underprivileged children were filled by volunteers at  Bradford Cathedral at the weekend.

For a third year, Bradford Cathedral joined forces with Bradford Cinderella Club to host the Shoe Box Appeal.

Among those who volunteered for a second time was Joanne Middleton the European Gold medal winner in the International Mixed Martial Arts Federation Championships. She joined other volunteers at Bradford Cathedral at the weekend for what has become an annual event, providing Christmas treats to underprivileged children in the area.

It was a record collection for the cathedral shoe box appeal. Two years ago the target was 200 shoeboxes which volunteers exceeded – last year the total was 800.

Terry Pearson, vice chair of Bradford Cindarella Club said, “Numbers got a bit confused as boxes were being collected and counting but from the boxes I know we had available I am confident to say be beat our target of 1,000.

“The total was only made possible as a result of a lot of generous people not only in purchase of gifts but just as valuable, the commitment of time.”

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