Bus to boost mission and ministry in Dewsbury

A bus is now part of ministry work in Chickenley thanks to a partnership of local church and community groups. 
Destination 211, the new ministry based in a double decker bus, has been launched by Dewsbury Team Ministry Parish in partnership with The Church of the Nazarene and Dewsbury, and the District Street Angels group.
The ministry’s aim is to make disciples and draw people to God, by building relationships and sharing the good news and love of Jesus with families and young people, through words and action.
The bus, once it has had its outside re-wrapped, will act as an after school drop-in café, with family board games and an opportunity for a Bible story with crafts on the upper deck. 
The team hope to offer a youth Christian enquiry course on the bus in due course, to be followed by a youth drop in session for other interested in faith.  
The ministry team will also act as ‘Community Angels’, offering a listening ear, practical help and prayer for anyone in need.
On the launch day itself some 70 local residents including parents, children and young people flocked to check out the bus and to enjoy a BBQ.  
This outreach is the result of a vision by the Reverend Neil Walpole, curate at Dewsbury Team Parish, to better serve the people of Chickenley. 
The area is in the top 10% most deprived areas in the country, and since last year, when the local Catholic Church closed down, has not had a church presence on the estate.
After purchasing the bus, and finding somewhere safe to keep it, the question of who would drive the bus was raised. 
However, a Christian bus driver visited the bus and stopped Neil to ask if he could help with the ministry. 
It turns out that he was also a driving instructor, and so he has been teaching Neil to drive the bus. 
Neil said: “I was secretly hoping that someone else would emerge as a first driver of the bus but it turned out it was me. 
“God has already made amazing provision and has been building a good team. 
“We are excited and confident that we will see God move in powerful ways as we serve the Chickenley community together and share our faith.” 

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