Calm and prayerful purpose in Wakefield Cathedral as mini beast from the east battered city

There was a sense of calm and prayerful purpose in the small peaceful St Mark’s Chapel, in Wakefield Cathedral despite the mini Beast from the East battering at the doors as the Bishop of Wakefield, the Rt Revd Tony Robinson spent the day in prayer there as part of the bishops open invitation to the parishes to join them in a Holy Lent of Loving Living Learning .


Throughout the day about 50 people dropped in to join Bishop Tony as he said prayers on every half hour from 10am until 3pm, while it was business as usual in the nave of the Grade I listed building.


Said Bishop Tony: "Lent is a time for us to take a pause, and think more deeply about our relationship with God, what is important to us, and how we can best serve Him.

"And prayer is at the heart of all that we do." 


Leaflets exploring different ways to pray; advertising monthly Julian meetings and other prayer groups and a Labyrinth prayer to try, were available for people to take home with them or to share back in their parishes.

The bishops' Lenten Prayer times are part of an open invitation issued to all parishes by the bishops, to join them for ‘a Holy Lent of Loving. Living. Learning’. The Lent project reflects the diocesan vision and invites Christians to explore what ‘Loving, Living, Learning’ means to them through daily prayer, Bible reading, fasting and meditation.

The final Lenten prayer next Saturday Saturday 24th March, will find our diocesan bishop, Bishop Nick Baines, ?in Holy Trinity, Skipton  10.00am—3.00pm.  ??????

You can join him for any part of that time. 


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