Can you sign a petition to help end hunger in the UK?

Bishop Nick has signed a petition from End Hunger UK, calling on the Government to fix Universal Credit so that it doesn't make people go hungry. Could you add your name too?

End Hunger UK say, "I want to live in a society where everyone has access to good food, and no one has to go to bed hungry. An effective benefits system provides financial assistance in times of crisis but in  areas where Universal Credit has been rolled out, foodbanks and other food aid providers report a surge in the numbers of people pushed into greater debt, destitution and hunger as a result of delays, errors, a lack of flexibility and adequate support.  

"Can you sign the petition at and encourage others to do so? Harvest Festival at your church or End Hunger UK Week (13-20 October) would be good opportunities to focus on our calling, as Christians, to feed the hungry.

"In the Diocese of Leeds, there are currently 9 Trussell Trust foodbanks, working out of 31 distribution centres. Last year, Trussell Trust foodbanks in Leeds diocese distributed 33507 three-day emergency food supplies to people in crisis, which is an increase of 15% on the previous year. In addition, there are at least 39 independent food banks in the diocese.

"Unless urgent action is taken to improve the flexibility and support for people on Universal Credit, alongside a long-term commitment to ensure that the social security system provides enough income to afford good food on a regular basis, then we are likely to see a continuing rise in the numbers going to food banks over the next few years as more people are moved on to Universal Credit."



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