Capture a Christian Summer - new photo competition launched

A photo competition to celebrate all Christian life, great and small, across our diocese is being launched to coincide with the Summer holidays.

“Capture a Christian Summer” is the theme of the fun project, which aims to generate a fantastic gallery of people and places of worship.

The competition is open to everyone and the best three pictures will star on our homepage banner.

Images can be posted either on our Camera Club Facebook page or the Diocese of Leeds Instagram page.

We want to see lively pictures from any event which has a Christian presence, be that wonderful weddings, village fetes and galas or local shows.

And of course, our diocese is blessed with a huge variety of church architecture, from tiny Dales chapels to grand minsters and our magnificent cathedrals.

When submitting posed images of people, and especially children, on church property, new data protection regulations (GDPR) require permission from those featured, or from the parents or guardians of under 18s.

However images taken of adults in public spaces for artistic purposes – such as street or crowd scenes – do not require the permission of all those pictured.

Please send in your pictures, either by joining the Leeds CofE Camera Club closed group Facebook page or by posting them on our Instagram page.

The address for the Camera Club on Facebook is: Leeds CofE Camera Club. When posting please use the hashtag #leedscofesummer

The Instagram page is: leedscofe and when posting images please use the hashtag #leedscofesummer

The competition will close on September 1.

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