\'Caring for Creation\' at the local pub

“An inspiring and challenging service” focusing on ‘Caring for Creation’ has been held in a local Langthorpe pub.

The service was led by lay members of All Saints’ Kirby Hill who praised God for the beauty of creation and reflected on the fragility of the world. 

Those present divided into groups to discuss and commit to practical tasks which can be done to reduce waste and the impact of climate change. Members of All Saints’ Kirby Hill also pledged to work towards becoming an eco-church and thought carefully about how they live their lives as stewards of God’s creation. 

Each family was given a leaflet on the Christian 7Rs:  Rejoice; Refuse; Reduce; Reuse; Repair; Rent, borrow and share and Recycle.

Those who attended said it was “An amazing, thought provoking service”, “Absolutely brilliant”, “If services were like this every Sunday the church would be full” and “What talented and inspired lay people we have”.

The Revd Alison Askew, vicar of All Saint’s Kirby Hill, said, “It was a great morning and hopefully the launch pad for further activities and initiatives both in the church and wider community.”


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