Dance, drama, choirs and prayers were all part of a fantastic celebration at St John’s Church, Ben Rhydding. Around 200 people from across the diocese, some with learning difficulties, their friends and families came together to affirm their gifts and worship together.
People entered the service through ‘The Beautiful Gate’ and extra chairs had to be brought in as numbers exceeded expectations.
Before the service, workshops in drumming, dancing and crafts helped prepare for the celebration.
Banners were brought into the church before Revd Canon Bob Brooke opened the service, together with the vicar of St John's Revd Peter Willox.
Contributions included...
Drama by PossAbility Drama Group, Wakefield
Songs from the Leeds-based Off By Heart Choir...
Dance by members of The Ark, Ben Rhydding
and prayers including one written for the occasion by Peter Olby.
Bishop Nick gave a short talk, saying how much he had enjoyed the service and how next time, he hoped to bring the area bishops with him too!
Margaret Beatham from St John's who masterminded the event said:
"To have so many people with learning disabilities celebrating together was a memorable occasion.
It couldn't have been done without the help of a large team of volunteers.
Huge thanks to everyone who made it possible."