Celebrating our Mums project for newest church in diocese

Celebrating our mums is the latest project for the newest church in our diocese - Trinity Lighthouse After School Church.


Trinity Lighthouse is open to all children at Holy Trinity CoE Primary school (and their parents and carers) and was launched in January to bring regular worshop back into the heart of the community by linking Holy Trinity and St Jude’s Church, Halifax with the school.


It works like an after-school club with children who sign up being collected from their classrooms at the end of the school day to join the session which last from 3.15pm until 4.15pm.


Each week there are themed snacks and crafts, a simple liturgy including ‘bringing in the light’ prayer and short responses, and the opportunity to grow together in faith with Bible stories, songs, prayers and other activities.  So far, the themes have related to the church year and have included Epiphany, Candlemas and Ash Wednesday


But this week the children started to work on their own Gallery Of Portrait of Mums to put up in church just in time for Mothers’ Day this Sunday. Pictured left.


Michelle Petch, assistant curate at Holy Trinity and St Jude’s, said: “We have been greatly encouraged by an average attendance of nineteen children at each session during our first half-term, and by the presence of one or two parents, and several governors as well.


“We have children from Reception right through to Year Six and are now looking at ways to involve the older children in delivering some of the liturgy as we have been heartened to see them helping and encouraging the younger ones, as and when needed.”


The sessions are planned and led by Michelle, and alternately by the vicar, the Revd Richard Frith, both governors at the school, – with help from a great team of church volunteers.


Said Michelle: “It’s good to use the school again as a centre of worship. When the original Holy Trinity church closed parishioners worshipped in the school before the congregation was merged with the one at St Jude’s to form our present single church of Holy Trinity and St Jude’s.


“So it feels right to be using the school again as a centre of worship, and it renews a former meaningful link,” she added



Plans for the future include All-age services at the church for the children and their parents/carers as well as more special projects through the year.

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