Celebration in Burley-in-Wharfedale as church celebrates 175 years

Much has happened since the Lord Bishop of Ripon consecrated the Parish Church of St Mary’s, Burley-in-Wharfedale on 19th June 1843, and this month parish members and friends celebrated its 175th birthday in style.

It was standing room only at the Queens Hall as many from the community came together for a family Ceilidh with food and spirited dancing. Music was provided by Chris Nelson’s  ‘Northern Comfort’, folk-rock, English country dance band. 

On Sunday, the Church, with bunting flying , welcomed the Bishop of Leeds,  the Rt Revd Nick Baines to a service of celebration. More than 250 people filled the church, with rousing hymns, choruses and vocal responses. 

In his sermon, Bishop Nick invited the congregation to consider their  journey with Jesus and spoke of how God chooses ordinary disciples to express his extraordinary love for the world. 



The Revd Alastair Kirk, the vicar of Burley, said the service had been "a joy-filled, Burleygrace-endowed event which was a blessing to all who came to be a part of it." He expressed his hope that the Church would be "an oasis of refreshment in our spiritually parched land."

To further commemorate the 175 years, Vicar, Alastair, has asked the whole community to search through their photo albums and wardrobes for items twith links to the history of the church. The results will be part of a display of memorabilia in church during Burley Festival Week between 18 – 27 August.

If you have an item to add to the display please ring the Parish Centre 01943 864406.

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