Celebrations for two new canons

There were celebrations at Ripon Cathedral at the weekend as two new honorary canons were recognised for their services to the diocese.

The Revd Guy Donegan-Cross, Vicar of St Mark’s, Harrogate, and the Revd Mark Powley, Principal of St Hild College, were joined by their families, colleagues, friends and congregation members to be installed in their respective places in the ancient cathedral.

The honorary title is seen as recognition of dedicated service, and Bishop Nick Baines who led the service said, “I am delighted to welcome Guy and Mark as honorary canons of this cathedral and as members of the College of Canons of the diocese. They bring diverse experience and great strength to the work of the church in this part of Yorkshire in helping us to reach out to a new generation in terms that they can understand.”

Gug Donegan-Cross is vicar of  one of the largest churches in the diocese, St Mark’s Harrogate. He also chairs the Harrogate Hub and helps to lead the HG1000 campaign. Since its launch in 2014, the campaign has galvanised businesses, churches , schools and sports people to raise money to buy more than 1,000 water filters which guarantee clean drinking water for a lifetime for people in the developing world. In addition, Guy is also on the Diocesan Synod and is a tutor on the Diocesan Mission and Ministry course. Speaking of being installed as a canon, Guy said, "“We all get to guard and share something precious - Jesus’ good news of the kingdom. I guess canons get to guard and share how that good news is rooted in a cathedral and community.  I’m looking forward to learning how to do that in a culture where people are thirsty for roots and foundations that last.”

The second honorary canon, Rev Mark Powley, is Principal of St Hild College which supports full-time and part-time ordinands, Baptist ministers in training and independent students. St Hild has teaching centres in York, Sheffield and Mirfield  and works with 140 students across the region. He commented, "“It’s a privilege for me, and St Hild College, to be associated with the work of the cathedral in serving the Diocese of Leeds. Our prayer at St Hild is for the whole church to be equipped in mission so that churches can be grown, planted and revitalised across our region. We look forward to to working with the cathedral to this end.”

The Dean of Ripon, the Very Rev John Dobson, said: “Both Guy and Mark and extremely talented individuals who will make a substantial contribution to the life of the cathedral. I am looking forward to working with them more closely for the benefit of both the cathedral and the diocese.”

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