Children celebrate peace in Huddersfield

Children from four very different local schools in Huddersfield will come together for a "Ceremony of Peace" on the 21st September to mark the UN international day for peace.

The service, organised by Huddersfield St Peter’s in the town centre, will feature art, reflections and songs from Beamont Park Primary; Linthwaite Clough JI and EY School; Spring Grove School and Woodley School. 

It will be attended by local MPs, the Mayor of Kirklees and a representative from the Lord Lieutentant’s office.

This year’s service at 1.30pm builds on the success of last year’s event by bringing in four very different schools to come together to celebrate and reflect on peace in a local and international context.


Thursday 21 Sept: Huddersfield Ceremony of Peace 2017. Huddersfield Parish Church. 1.30pm

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