Children invited behind the scenes at Ripon Cathedral

ChoirChoir open day for six to eleven year olds

Ripon Cathedral Choir is offering children and their parents the opportunity to get a taste of being a Cathedral Chorister for an afternoon, on Sunday May 17th

The Open Day for children aged 6 -11 years promises to offer an insight into life behind the scenes at the Cathedral as well as what is involved in being a Cathedral Chorister. Children  who come will see and hear the Cathedral Choir at close quarters and  be able to join them in rehearsal and in singing Choral Evensong

Meanwhile their parents and carers will be given a guided tour of the Cathedral and hear from the  Music Department and clergy about the opportunities, rewards, commitments and obligations involved.

"Previous Open Days have proven really popular," explained Andrew Bryden, the Cathedral's Director of Music, "and many of our current Choristers first sang in the Cathedral on one of these days."

“Ripon Cathedral Choir enjoys a growing reputation for musical excellence and regularly appears on radio and television” added Andrew. “The superb musical training and experience which choristers receive is free and includes singing lessons.”

The event takes place between  1pm and 4.30pm. Booking (essential) is through the Music Department on  01765 603496  or

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