Chrism Mass celebrated at St. Paul’s Church, Old Town, Barnsley.
This Year’s Chrism Mass, celebrated by Bishop Tony for the diocesan clergy of the Society of St Wilfrid and St Hilda and their supporting parishes, was held in St Paul’s Church, Old Town, Barnsley as one of the town centre's 80th Anniversary event - and it was standing room only.
Geoff Wright, of St Paul's explained: "It was wonderful to have not only Bishop Tony celebrating with over thirty concelebrants, but also to have the Bishop of Leeds, Nick, preaching within a church so full that there was standing room only.
Their Parish Priest, The Rev Canon Stephen Race said, “It was a delight and an honour to be able to host this magnificent event during our 80th Anniversary Year. My parish volunteers were all happily exhausted afterwards, but I hope it will live long in our memories and the memories of those who travelled to be with us.”
The next major Anniversary Event will be St Paul's Flower Festival on the 17th to 21st June. Everyone welcome.