Christ Church, Oakworth toasts its £125,000 new look with a beer festival

Parishioners will be raising their glasses at a beer festival to celebrate completed refurbishments at Christ Church, Oakworth.

It reopened on Palm Sunday after a major reordering of its worship space, costing over £125,000, and this week it it hosts its 2nd Annual Church Beer Festival, stretching from Thursday, May 9 to Saturday, May 11.

The celebrations will finish with a special rededication service by Bishop of Bradford, the Rt Revd Toby Howarth on Sunday, May at 9:30am.

Vicar John Rogers said: “Our church members have worked very hard over the past few years to raise all the funds for the reordering.

"With their commitment and generous donations, we have completed phase 1 of a plan to make Christ Church available for our community, fit for purpose and with a sustainable vision for the future.

"Last year our first Beer Festival was so successful we decided to make it an annual event, so we thought there was no better way to showcase our newly refurbished church to our community and join with them in raising a glass to its future," said John, pictured below

The church has worked closely with the Diocesan Advisory Committee to bring about a successful transformation, said DAC secretary Lisa McIntyre:

"It's been great working with them and many congratulations on achieving such a fantastic result," Lisa said.


Beer festival times:

Thursday, May 9, 5pm to 10:30pm

Friday, May 10,  2pm to 10:30pm

Saturday, May 11,  1pm to 11pm



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