Christian Aid's supporters do more than deliver envelopes

While scores of dedicated Christian Aid collectors from churches across the diocese have been out knocking on doors throughout their communities, there have been other imaginative ideas to raise money too. 

Christian Aid Week was from Sunday, May 13 to Saturday 19 May and is a time when the Christian message to look after those in need is actively shared across the nation.

Crofton Parish Church in the Wakefield Episcopal Area have restarted this work feeling that they can’t expect everyone to come through its doors and were able to take the Christian Message out again. In 2017 the money they collected reached £901 from zero three years ago, said Charles Elliott who is its Christian Aid organiser. 

“It is not just about raising money, but spreading the Christian message about helping those in need and also it helps us churchgoers look outwards into our community and beyond,”  said Charles, who he has been organising Christian Aid collections since 1976.

Abbey Grange super-heros

Students at Abbey Grange CofE Academy in Leeds raised money for Christian Aid by selling Fairtrade sweets. They then used the wrappers to make a giant cape building on the theme 'stronger than the storm'.

Chaplain Kay Brown says that there were a number of imaginative money-raising ideas. “We ran a café at lunchtime, making popcorn, pancakes, candy floss and hot chocolate. Overall we raised £112 as well as getting people to sign the petition about internally displaced people.

“The students had great fun whilst being able to make a difference to the people of Haiti and beyond. One student even wrote a poem based on the materials form Christian Aid.”

Kirby on the Moor (Ripon Episcopal Area) 

Members of the small congregation of All Saints', Kirby on the Moor  set themselves the challenge of raising £1,000 during Christian Aid Week. On Sunday, 12 members of the congregation with another 6 relatives and friends walked part of The Sanctuary Walk in Ripon raising £400.

On Monday, 19 people signed up for a Christian Aid Lunch in church and the following day a team of people were collecting in the local supermarket  and a small handful of stalwarts are taking part in door to door collections.

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