Christian education centre for struggling children celebrates success

TLG (Transforming Lives for Good) is a national Christian education charity, which partners with churches of all denominations in running schools and education centres for children who are struggling with, or excluded from, mainstream education.

In partnership with All Saints Church, Normanton, the TLG Wakefield Education Centre has recently been celebrating some of its student’s achievements at the regional TLG Hope Giver celebration.

Pictured below is Gavin Budby, TLG Wakefield’s Head Teacher and Centre Manager, one of their award winning students, and teacher, Rendel Murray.

“In this type of work, there are times when you’re not sure that what you’re doing is making a difference,” writes Gavin.

“Then you talk with a student’s mother who says ‘Without TLG Wakefield, I dread to think what would have happened to my child’. It’s in those moments you realise what a massive support we are to not just the student, but also to the family.”

The TLG Wakefield Centre is based at All Saint’s Normanton, and Gavin paid tribute to the church and their partnership and support for TLG. “TLG Wakefield is part of the ministry of Normanton All Saints Parish Church, which means when we succeed, the whole church family succeeds.

“..Thank you to everyone who supports us and hold the team and students up in prayer; you’ve all played a role in this amazing story.”

For more information about the work of TLG visit their website here

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