Christian leaders send prayerful support to district\'s Muslims during Ramadan

Christian leaders including Bishop Toby and Dean of Bradford Cathedral, Jerry Lepine have written a letter of support to Bradford's Muslim community at the start of Ramadan.

COVID-19 social distancing rules mean iftars, the traditional mass family gatherings to mark the end of the day's fasting, should not currently take place.

Public interfaith iftars which have marked Ramadan in recent years are also prohibited in order to protect communities from the potential spread of the virus.

The letter is printed in full below:


An Open Letter to Muslim Communities of the Bradford District from Christian Leaders

To Muslim friends and neighbours in the Bradford District,
We greet you warmly as you begin your observance of the month of Ramadan in this period of lockdown.

We Christians have recently celebrated Holy Week and Easter coming at the end of Lent, our own period of observances including fasting.

This was a time of great blessing, but it was also hard for many in the current crisis. 

We pray that you will know God’s rich blessings this Ramadan, while we also recognise that the coming month will bring particular challenges. 
We think of families and friends who would normally meet and share meals together at the breaking of the daily fast. 
We think of those who have looked forward to spending time in mosques listening to or taking part in Qur'anic recitations and special prayers.  
We think of the generous outpouring of hospitality to neighbours of all faiths and none that we have enjoyed sharing in past years.
Please know that we stand with you at this vulnerable time when so many are sick, grieving and suffering great hardship. 
We thank God for those in the NHS and other services who are doing so much to look after us all. 

We thank God for good relationships between Christians and Muslims across our District.  
We continue to pray for deliverance from the impact of COVID-19 on our world. 
Please be assured of our special prayers for you 


Rt Revd Dr Toby Howarth, Bishop of Bradford
Fr Keiron Walker, Roman Catholic Dean of Bradford
Rev Kerry Tankard, Chair of Yorkshire West Methodist District
Rev Graham Ensor, Team Leader Yorkshire Baptist Association
Very Rev Jerry Lepine, Dean of Bradford

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