Church celebrates 200 years in style

A church in Huddersfield has been marking its 200th year in style with a year of events and celebrations. 
Holy Trinity in Huddersfield was first consecrated in October 1819, after 35 months of construction on the church. 
The theme of ‘light’ was chosen to be the focus of the anniversary year, with a ‘Christ the Light’ candle burning at all services during the year.
The week between Pentecost and Trinity Sundays was designated as ‘Shine!’ week, where over 600 guests were welcomed to the church to a series of events to find out how God longs to shine his light and love into our lives.
There was a fashion event, magic show, 1940s tea dance, chocolate evening and beer festival, bringing many into the church from the community for the first time.
There were over 150 visitors to the church when it was opened as part of the Heritage Open Days weekend in September, where trips were run up the tower and down the crypt. 
A Community Outreach Day was held on October 12, involving over 50 people and Billy the dog. 
The day included a Family Litter Pick and Rock Drop in a beautiful local park, as well as the handing out of Blessings Cards and small gifts to the people in the park. 
The rocks had messages about our faith in God painted on them, and could be hidden and re-hidden as children in the park found them. 
To round the celebrations off, Diocesan Bishop Nick Baines preached on October 13, on the weekend nearest to the 200th Anniversary of the church’s consecration. 
This was followed by a celebration lunch open to all, where a commemorative booklet, ‘200 Random Acts of History’, was given to all attendees.
A full account of everything that has being going on at the church can be found at 

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