Church Growth Companions gather to start their journey

A group of clergy and lay leaders from across the Diocese gathered yesterday at Church House for the first meeting of the Church Growth Companions Project. A group of thirty five will form a new team of church growth companions, who will come alongside other churches to support them on their journey to growth. 

Yesterday’s meeting kick started this exciting project and training was provided by The Revd Robin Gamble, who established this new initiative. The project will provide churches with a pool of companions who can come alongside them to bring encouragement and help. It is hoped that this support network will increase the impact made by the ‘Leading Your Church into Growth’ programme and give the extra support that some churches may need to help them thrive.

The Revd Robin Gamble said, “This is an exciting step forward for our Diocese in our church growth journey. The hope is that every church will have the chance for a companion to come along side and bring that extra bit of support that could help transform their churches.
Companions won't claim to be experts, but are just good vicars who can come alongside others to share their experiences and walk with them on their journey towards growth."

The team will next head to Scargill House in June where they will spend a further weekend completing their training to become Church Growth Companions. Churches will then have the opportunity to connect and work along side a companion. 

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