Church on show at Midgley fete

It only comes round every two years, and this year , St Mary's in Luddenden decided to join in with their own festival tent at the Midgley Fete and invited the community to come and have some fun.

The vicar, the Revd Ian Sparks explained: "Like many parishes in the Calder Valley, Luddenden with Luddenden Foot is made up of different distinct hamlets with various community activities and events.

"Midgley Fete takes place every two years and is not a church organised event but we wanted to get involved and to show the church was there for the community and lift our profile. 
"So rather than have a fund raising stall we had a fun raising stall! We had free "Messy Craft" type activities, icing cakes with a choice between the dark side or the light side and making Fruit of the Spirit bracelets. 
"I joined in the Churn Milk Chase Fell Race, was the first Vicar back but had to run off for a Wedding blessing down the hill to church immediately after finishing,' he added.

It was a great day out and you can see general pictures of the event here:


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