Church planting experts come north to promote new growth

A specially-tailored course on church planting is to be run for the first time outside London in Leeds early next year.

The Plant Course is a seven-session programme designed to equip church planters and their teams in the three to 9 months leading up to their plant and is being run at St George’s, Leeds in February.

It covers the practical aspects of church planting, such as strategy, finance, funding, communications and self-leadership.

Lizzy Woolf, Rector at St George’s said:

“This is the first time the Plant Course has been run in the North of England, and our heart is that it will be a blessing to churches across our diocese and beyond.

 “As a Resource Church for the Diocese of Leeds, we are committed to sending out teams to help churches grow and communities be transformed. “

“Every context is different, and as we reimagine ministry together, we believe specific church planting training is invaluable.

“We are therefore very excited to be partnering with St Hild Theological College to offer the Plant Course in Leeds from February 2020.

“The Plant Course is designed to equip church planters and their teams (both clergy and lay) and uses material developed by the Diocese of London, where it has been used to train more than 150 teams so far, including a variety of different traditions and types of church plant."

Bishop of Kirkstall, the Rt Revd Paul Slater added: “We are delighted to be hosting the Plant Course in Leeds where the energy and commitment of our five Resource Churches is already bearing fruit.

“I am sure this course will help benefit church growth in the Northern Province.”

Over the seven-week course which has approximately 40 contact hours, participants will receive input from experienced practitioners, explore case studies and develop their own strategies through times of reflection, coaching, discussion and sharing.

For more details, or to apply please go to

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